klm codec 4.45 افضل و احدث كودك 2009

Posted by YallaGroup.Net in programm on 05-04-2009

klite mega codec pack 4.45 احدث اصدار من افضل كودك هذا الكودك ليس مجرد كودك انه تجميع للعديد من الكوديكات في برنامج واحد حيث انه مصمم خصيصا لتشغيل كل انواع ملفات الصوت و الفيديو و بالفعل هو قادر على ذلك حيث انه يشغل كل ملفات الصوت و الفيديو تقريبا و من اهم مميزاته سهولة الاستخدام كما انه خفيف لا يؤثر علي سرعة الجهاز برنامج رائع بحق ننصح بإستخدامه البرنامج مجاني تماما freeware حجم الملف 19.31MB

KLite Codec Pack is a collection of codecs DirectShow filters and tools. Codecs and DirectShow filters are needed for encoding and decoding playing audio and video formats. The KLite Codec Pack is designed as a userfriendly solution for playing all your movie files. With the KLite Codec Pack you should be able to play all the popular audio and video formats and even some rare formats. This download is for the Mega package and is aimed at pro video users. The KLite Codec Pack has a couple of major advantages compared to other codec packs It it always very uptodate with the newest andor best versions of the components. It is very userfriendly. The installation is fully customizable meaning that you are able install exactly those components that you really want. Uninstallation removes all files and registry entries created by the pack. It is extremely easy to make a fully customized unattended installation. It has been very well tested so that the package doesnt contain any conflicting or buggy codecs. It tries to avoid potential problems with existing codecs and even fixes some problems. The pack is able to detect broken codecs and filters on your system and remove them for you. It is a very complete package containing everything you need to play your movies. There are different packages. From small to extralarge. Suitable for both novice and expert users. KLite Codec Pack is a collection of codecs DirectShow filters and tools. Codecs and DirectShow filters are needed for encoding and decoding playing audio and video formats. The KLite Codec Pack is designed as a userfriendly solution for playing all your movie files. With the KLite Codec Pack you should be able to play all the popular audio and video formats and even some rare formats. This download is for the Mega package and is aimed at pro video users. The KLite Codec Pack has a couple of major advantages compared to other codec packs It it always very uptodate with the newest andor best versions of the components. It is very userfriendly. The installation is fully customizable meaning that you are able install exactly those components that you really want. Uninstallation removes all files and registry entries created by the pack. It is extremely easy to make a fully customized unattended installation. It has been very well tested so that the package doesnt contain any conflicting or buggy codecs. It tries to avoid potential problems with existing codecs and even fixes some problems. The pack is able to detect broken codecs and filters on your system and remove them for you. It is a very complete package containing everything you need to play your movies. There are different packages. From small to extralarge. Suitable for both novice and expert users.

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تحميل klm codec 4.45 افضل و احدث كودك 2009

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Posted by YallaGroup.Net in programm, software on 05-04-2009



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Posted by YallaGroup.Net in programm, soft on 05-04-2009

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Posted by YallaGroup.Net in programm, software on 01-04-2009

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Posted by YallaGroup.Net in programm, software on 01-04-2009


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Posted by YallaGroup.Net in programm, soft on 01-04-2009

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Posted by YallaGroup.Net in programm on 01-04-2009

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skype messenger latest Messenger latest version of the wonderful Skype skype Requirements computer who works with Windows 2000 or XP or Vista. Users of Windows 2000 system to DirectX 9.0 for video calls. Internet connection broadband communication is the best GPRS is not supported for voice calls. Loudspeakers and the microphone internal or separately. To conduct voice and video calls we recommend a computer processor speed of not less than 1 GHz the memory capacity of 256 MB RAM and certainly webcam. calls for high quality video will require a web video camera and highquality program dualcore processor computer and communication fast broadband 384 kilo bits per second

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Posted by YallaGroup.Net in programm, programs on 01-04-2009

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Posted by YallaGroup.Net in programm, soft on 01-04-2009


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Posted by YallaGroup.Net in programm, soft on 01-04-2009

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